I've lost over 90 lbs by doing the (Original) Belly Fat Cure and eating Healthy.
Now I continue to write this blog for you to offer Support, Weight loss tips, and Healthy Recipes.

I'm Not Dieting - I've Changed My Lifestyle

Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday of week 49: The Belly Fat Cure

Happy New Years Eve to all,

I swear ever since I got back from Vegas on Sunday I have been running around each day. I usually have no where to go. Yesterday morning I logged on to facebook and saw a message from my son, Aaron (25) saying that he is going to surgery in the morning and I can come visit him in the hospital if I want. Nice of him to give me a warning - Huh?

So I had an errand to run with hubby. I ate breakfast first of: 2 eggs w/cheese on top, a wheat pita w/butter and Natures Hollow sugar free preserves, turkey bacon, coffee, blah, blah, blah.
Then after I went to the hospital where Aaron was. He was in recovery and doing fine and I waited and wound up taking him home to his dad's house in Laguna Nigel.

OK, so by the time I got him settled it was after 3:30 and I was starving to say the least. No lunch, so I went to Chipotle. That is what he wanted. I got him a burrito bowl and I got 2 tacos. 1 spicy beef and the other pork w/cheese, guacamole, sour cream, and lots of spicy salsa. I ate with them, made sure he was OK then I drove home.

When I got home, I was still a little hungry so I had some broccoli, yellow squash w/fettuccine sauce on top.

This morning I had to go get the rear middle brake light on my newish car fixed. Carmax where I bought the car gives you 30 days and they will fix anything that goes wrong w/your car. So I fixed myself a sandwich with eggs, cheese, mayo, mustard on Ezekeil bread and took it wth me and ate it while I waited w/some coffee.

After we ran a few errands and then we went to Islands for lunch. We were eating chicken tortilla soup. I had mine w/o the tortillas with some cesar salad and some fries. I said to him, Boy, it's too bad that I can't eat my favorite soup any more that I grew up with because of my diet. We've been together for 20 yrs & you would think he knows this. But he kept guessing & got it wrong and finally guessed it after 1 hr. I told him he hurt my feelings.

@ Sherri..Yes I did get the dress at Macys. It's very pretty and I hope I have a reason to wear it again very soon. 

I feel so emotional and good that I have come as far as I have to end this year with a 78lb loss. I am so glad that hubby bought me the Belly Fat Cure Book. And I am so grateful that I have met all of you for the friendship and support that you all give.

Monday is my Birthday and I will be 52. I feel the best that I have in many years.

I wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR, and a very good weekend. 

Thanks for listening. Lots of love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

A New Year’s Blessing

nelson mandela positive quoteLet there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. Let each know that for each the body, mind and soul have been freed to fulfil themselves. Nelson Mandela
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday of week 49: The Belly Fat Cure

Good morning to all,

I have been kind of busy running errands and stuff Monday and yesterday.
Yesterday I woke up and made myself some french toast with Josephs syrup and some turkey bacon, coffee with benifiber, powdered cream, truvia, and cinnamon, and of course all my vitamins.
Then I had to return this Coach purse hubby and I bought for his 25 yr old daughter. She told him that she is not really into purses and although she appreciated it, it was too much money. I was raged to say the least when he told me that. I got it from the coach outlet store in the mall. With all the discounts and everything it was only $100. I was very disappointed about her attitude. It took me 45 minutes to get to the mall to return it, so I kept the money and told hubby that if he wants to do anything else for her, he can do it.

After that I was hungry!! I called my good friend Margaret, and met her on the way home at this little taco place in Chino. I had 2 tacos, 1 beef and 1 fish taco. I haven't had any fish tacos for 11 months since I started the BFC. Not because of the shell, that is corn tortillas, I thought that I shouldn't have the fish because it is covered in batter and deep fried. They were both good.

I have been very strict on myself through-out the whole time that I have been doing the Belly Fat Cure. I know it is a new way of eating, but I still tell people that I am on a diet. I realized early on that for me, I needed to be that strict. I never strayed. Only once in a while I ate a bite or 2 of some cake or something that I shouldn't. But, I for some reason, could stop after that 1 or 2 bites. I know that some of you can't.

Let me tell you, from my experience of doing this for 11 months, I see so many give up because of that. If you stray and eat a whole serving of frozen yogurt for example, instead of 2 bites, that will lead to something else the next day. Then 2 more something elses the day after that, and so on.

So you have to allow yourself to take that 1 or 2 bites - BUT YOU MUST STOP AFTER THAT!!! That's all there is to it. That 1 bite makes me feel normal like I am human like everyone else.

So, after the tacos I went to Kohls to spend my Kohls cash I had $50. If you don't know what that is, certain times of the year, like before christmas, when you spend a certain amount they give you back a coupon for $10 back to spend between certain days. Mine said bet dec 26th - jan 1st. So it was a good time to look around at the clearance rack while hubby works night the next few days at the FD. Before I knew it - I was there for over 2 & 1/2 hours. Boy was I tired.

Went home and ate some fried zuchinni in some olive oil, 2 eggs, crumbled some of that El Salvador cheese on top of both and some left over chicken. After dinner I had some clemmys and a cup of decaf chia tea with truvia.

I hope everyone has a great day today! Thanks for listening. Lots of love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

Everyone smile at a stranger today. You never know what impact that will make to someone who is feeling down or alone.

Keep on BFc ' n  :-)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday ending week 48: The Belly Fat Cure

Hello to all my BFC peeps,

So I am officially back home as of yesterday (Sunday). I was in Vegas at dad's for 1 & 1/2 weeks, and all I can say is "Boy I am glad to be home".

Well I guess I will start in the beginning. I got there on Thursday the 16th. My family from Michigan arrived that evening and I didn't see them until the next day. They went straight to my sister's apt when they got in (real late). On Friday we all had to got to the church that my other sister's wedding was at to help them set up. They let her use it for free. They were limited on money for the wedding.

Oh, when my 2 brothers and 3 of their kids saw me they were all very surprised and said how nice I looked.

So we were all at the church working, setting up, and my brother Paul says" Rosalie - you really look hot!" and his son (my 18 yr old nephew) sitting next to him, shook his head and said yup. I can't tell you how that made me feel. That was probably the best compliment anyone (let alone my own brother) could ever give me.

So we were all tired and hungry, so everyone went over to Bolder Station to eat at the buffet. There must have been 20 of us from both sides of their families. So after dinner my sister, Lisa (the one with the apt. where they were all staying) took the 3 kids to my dads and me and my 2 brothers stayed for a little bit to gamble.

Then we got a call from Lisa saying to come home now!! She had 2 little dogs and always brings them over to dad's when comes over. 1 of them got out of the gate and it was dark by them 11:30pm and raining.  We all split up in 4 different cars looking for poor little jill. But then they found her in the street smashed like a pancake. It was devastating for my sister, Lisa. Everything took a weird, bad turn after that.
RIP Cutie Jill (top on the left)

The next morning we were supposed to go with my other sis, the bride, to get manicures. Well we all decided to go anyways. Me, Kattie (the bride), Lisa, My 2 nieces, Jessica and Emily, and 2 of Katties friends. Well it took a long time and then we had to go back to the church to help finish setting up. Then I went home changed and came back.
my brother Michael, Me, and nephew Jordan
The happy couple

It was a little hard for me the past 11 days. They all eat bad and I was surrounded. I always do so good on the BFC, but this time was a little different. 

My step-mom, Maria had her sister (Margarita) visiting from El Salvador. She spoke only spanish. She was so very sweet and I had to always wait for Maria to translate. Then hubby sent me a text reminding me of this program I already had downloaded on my phone called, Google Translate. If you don't have it - GET IT! It will translate any language to any language for you and even speak it so you know the proper way to say it. I used it every day after that with her. I already know a lot of words in spanish, but now I know a lot more. It was very fun to use. I could then take Margarita out with me places and communicate with her thru my phone. It was so much fun!
Margarita, sister Kattie and of course Dad
I did as good with my diet as expected. I found myself eating eggs and corn tortillas for breakfast a lot with some great cheese that Margarita brought with her from El Salvador. I brought a bunch of my own stuff. I did eat a few bites of carbs with dinner sometimes, and to me that was cheating, but I know it wasn't. I had a few bites a couple times of  cake and cheesecake. But overall I did real good considering. I weighed myself on dad's scale and according to that one, I weighed 160.8, so we will see in the morning I will post it on our chart to the right. 

My brothers and the kids went home on Friday, Christmas eve. I only went walking 1 time, my nephew, Jordan went with me and he said he was so impressed at how great I did. He's a runner. and 18 remember. and a real cutie. But it rained a lot and I couldn't get anyone to go with me since they were sleeping at Lisa's and not very close.

Thanks for listening everybody. I hope everyone had a great holiday! Lots of love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

Be a Do-er Not a Critic

Not a Critic Positive QuoteA non-doer is very often a critic-that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. It’s easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk, and change.
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday of week 47: The Belly Fat Cure

Good morning all,

This might be my last post for over a week. I am going in the morning to Vegas to see all of my family and attend my baby sister's wedding on Saturday. I am so excited to see them and show off my new body. I am staying for a whole week and might come back on Christmas eve or Christmas day.

I am going to try to blog from there and let you know whats going on. I know I can do it from my phone, but I never have. So that will be fun.

I woke up this morning and I weigh 162 lbs. That's 1/2 lb from yesterday. Ever since I started eating that Oasis bread, My weight has been dropping. I love that bread cause I can eat 2 whole slices and its still only 2 sugars and 16 carbs. So I have been eating 2 slices for breakfast every morning since I found it.

It could very well be the Reslina also. I have been taking it for 2 months now I think. It is supposed to help aid with weight loss because of the Resveratrol and Spirulina that is in it. Their webpage is still not quite up yet, but in the mean time, you can find it on Amazon.com and ebay with a $5 discount.

Well I have to go do my laundry and try to remember to pack everything I need for a whole week. I am lucky that I live only 3 1/2 hours away, so I can drive. But my other family from Michigan are not that lucky. they all have to fly, 5 of them. Now that's a pretty penny.

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast; oatmeal w/truvia, cinnamon, and walnuts - 2 turkey bacon, 8 blackberries, coffee, blah, blah, blah.
lunch: I mad a sandwich with the Oasis bread and pepperjack cheese, mustard, and braunsweiger and a spinach salad with bacon bits, feta cheese, and cesar dressing.
snack; super seed w/water.
dinner; 8 pcs of buffalo wings, and some veggies of: asparagus, zuchini, mushrooms. Then after I had some clemmys ice cream.

Thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

Problems and Dreams

Be led by Your Dreams Positive QuoteDon’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.
Keep in BFC ' n  :-)
Enhanced by Zemanta

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday of week 47: The Belly Fat Cure

Good Morning to all,

I am so excited this morning, I can hardly contain myself. I am down to 162.5lbs. So now I am over the 75 lb mark. Hubby and I were talking about it this morning. He really had no choice  cause I came down the stairs practically jumping for joy.

I have a friend who was also very over weight. She chose to have that stomach stapling surgery maybe 3 years ago. I remember when she did it I thought, she shouldn't - just try to diet first. Well, everything that could have gone wrong with her, DID! She had many, many after effects from the surgery. She also couldn't eat more than a few bites, so had to choose what she put in her mouth for nutrition value.

She originally did this to make her husband happy she told me. He was one of those work out guys and very fit. I guess he made her feel so bad that she did this to herself for him. Well to make it a short story, they are divorced.

So my moral is that I have done the same thing in just 10 & 1/2 months. I have lost over 75lbs just by changing the way I eat. THAT'S ALL! I never in my wildest dreams thought that I could have achieved this. I am so excited every day when I wake up and realize what I have accomplished.

If I can do this - YOU CAN TOO!!

My only trick is - that I never quit or gave up. I just kept doing the Belly Fat Cure. That's all!!

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast; eggs wit sauted mushrooms, onions, cheese, 2 turkey bacon cooked crispy and crumbled in, 7 blackberries, 2 slices of Oasis, Low carb, sprouted flaxseed bread, w/butter and josephs sugar free peanut butter, coffee, blah, blah.
lunch; I went out to lunch w/a friend to Tokyo Kitchen. Thats where the cook it in front of you on a grill. I had steak and shrimp and veggies and salad. no rice for me.  :-(
snack; super seed w/water
dinner: chicken and broccoli with alfredo sauce and 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate.

Well thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

The real leader has no need to lead; he is content to point the way.

Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday starting week 47: The Belly Fat Cure

Good Morning all,

Well today, Monday is my official weigh-in. I am still 164lbs for 3 days in a row now. That is a good sign that I will just continue to go down when I see the same weight for several days.

I just want to say how important it is right now during the holidays to try real hard to continue to eat Belly Good! I know everywhere we go there are smells and samples and stuff with pretty colors on it. Try your best to avoid them. But when at family functions, just do like I do and chose your favorite thing and take 1 or 2 bites. But then you must stop! Don't eat the whole thing. Just a bite or 2 will make you feel kind of normal like everyone else.

Please continue to leave any comments you want or any help you might need. We are all a big group and all help each other. I love to help anyone I can to lose weight and feel great like I do right now. I have spoke to many on the phone. If you want, just send me a private message on Facebook, and I would love to give any type of support I can.

WE ARE TEAM BFC CLUB, and our MOTO is: We Can Do This!!

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast; french toast with Oasis, low carb, sprouted flaxseed bread, josephs sugar free syrup, turkey bacon, coffee, blah, blah, blah.
lunch; spinach salad with tuna, mayo, 1/2 zuchinni, feta cheese, bacon bits, croutons.
snack; super seed w/water.
dinner; chicken w/cheese sausage (Yum), w/ asparagus, 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate.

Thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends.

My thought for the day:

Life Lessons

Life Lessons Positive QuotesThe difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson. 
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday of week 46: The Belly Fat Cure

Hello to all of my BFC friends,

I have gained back 1 of the lbs that I lost. I knew that would happen, since my weight always goes up and down so much. I am 164 which is 74lbs for 2 days now. Which is great to me!!

Well I had a busy day yesterday. We went to the movies and saw the Tourist and as usual we snuck into another movie and saw Narnia. Both were very good. I did have popcorn like I always do. Then when we got out we went to the Best Buy in Fullerton. Hubby is friends with the manager and wanted to get a new laptop. He said he could get a discount from him. Then went out to eat and home by 9:30pm.

I am in the process of getting ready to go to Vegas again. I am going on Thursday for a whole week. My 2 brothers who live in Michigan are coming out and bringing 3 of their kids with them. I am really looking forward to seeing them, especially since I have lost 75lbs since the last time they saw me. Remember my sister is getting married on Saturday the 18th. My step-mom's sister is flying in from El Slavador and her friend and daughter is coming form Texas.

So have you counted all the extra people yet?
Brothers and kids:    5
me:                          1
the sister & friend s: 3
So that's 9 extra people, My dads house is a very small 3 bedroom. My other sister has a 2 bedroom apartment and lives kind of far from Dad. So we will have to split up everyone between the 2 places and commute. Blah.... I will not sleep for a week. And OMG what the heck am I gonna eat?? I have been very nervous about all of this stuff.

Well yesterday I ate: 2 slices of that Oasis, low carb, sprouted flax seed bread w/butter and natures hollow preserves, 2 eggs, 2 turkey bacon, and coffee, blah, blah, blah.
lunch: 3 slices of turkey w/cheese and mustard, and spinach leaves rolled up.
Popcorn at the movies.
dinner: we went to The Yard House resturant, and I had a seared ahi tuna cesar salad and water.

Listen, I know I am complaining an a little worried about next week, but its just my nature. I am more afraid of maybe not eating enough carbs, cause I'm afraid that the tortillas and bread & stuff that I will buy and bring with me - they will eat it all and I will have none. So then I will just wind up eating meat and veggies for a week.
We will SEE!!

Thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

Be a Do-er Not a Critic

Not a Critic Positive QuoteA non-doer is very often a critic-that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. It’s easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk, and change.
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday of week 46: The Belly Fat Cure

A good day to you all,

OK - so I really don't know what the H-e- double hockey sticks is wrong with me. I weighed myself this morning and almost cried again. I am down another pound.  I was 163lbs. That's 75lbs lost so far. I realize that it might not stick and my weight goes up and down all the time,


Very exciting for me every time I see the scale go down.

So I am not really doing anything different. I post my meals all the time, so you all know what I am eating.

I did start eating that (Oasis, low carb, sprouted flax seed bread) this week. I love it. You can eat 2 slices and its only 1 carb serving. I have been eating 2 slices every day all week ever since I found it.

I have been taking Reslina for over a month now. It's made with Resveratrol and Spirulina and Muscadine grape extract. All three thing are very, very healthy for you and I know they help with weight loss too.

But that's about it -  really haven't changed anything. I walk almost every day. Yesterday I didn't. You know I have been looking for a dress for 3 days now for my sisters wedding in Vegas on the 18th. I really wanted to find something nice but not too nice so I can wear it again. I have been having such a hard time finding one. But yesterday I went to the mall at Macys and finally found the perfect dress. And guess what?? Its a size 8. I know - Get The F Out of Here, right?? I fit into a size 8 dress!!!!!

Do you have any idea how hard it is to take your own picture in the mirror. These are the best ones. It is kind of a wine color.

OK - so yesterday I ate:
breakfast; 2 slices of Oasis, low carb, sprouted flax seed bread w/ cream cheese and natures hollow preserves, 2 eggs, 2 turkey bacon, 8 blackberries, 2 cups of coffee w/benefiber, truvia, powdered cream, cinnamon.
lunch; I went to wendy's and had a double cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce and a cesar salad and water.
dinner; I made a foil pouch with mahi-mahi fish, 1/2 zuchinni, and 6 spears of asparagus. and 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate.

Well thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:


Friends Positive QuoteA friend is someone who sees through you and still enjoys the view. 
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursday of Week 46: The Belly Fat Cure

Hello all,

I weighed in this morning at 164lbs. That would be 74lbs. I am very excited about that, but you know my
weigh-in is on Monday. I know my weight goes up and down all the time. I am getting so close to that 150. I can just taste it.

I have worked so hard to get to this point so far. I continue to tell anyone and everyone I see about the Belly Fat Cure. I should get some kind of commission. LOL! But I am living proof that this really does work.

I am just like you. Nothing special. I used to just sit around and eat WAYYYYYYYYY to much and the wrong things. I don't really exercise, just love to walk every day. I do seem to walk more now that I am getting smaller. I started just around the block with the dogs. Then, I went 1 mile, then 1.5 miles, then 2, now anywhere from 2-3.5miles a day. Unless I am too busy.

Who knew that I could do all this and lose this much weight just by changing the things that I ate. I never in a million years thought that I could ever do anything like this. I am really not that motivated to diet.

In the beginning I used to say "I don't think I can do this forever". But now I really don't feel that way anymore. I know now that I can eat like this and when I get to my goal weight of 150lbs, I can start to incorporate some fruit or stuff like that back into my diet. I realize that  can never eat the way I did before. But I have found a ton of healthy thing I can substitute with now.

My new goal is to get to that 150lbs by the end of January. That will be my 1 year mark and it will be 88lbs lost. I can't wait until I actually accomplish that.

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast; I made a breakfast sandwich of 2 pieces of Oasis, low carb sprouted flax seed bread, pepperjack cheese, mayo mustard, 1 egg, and avocado. coffee, blah, blah, blah
lunch; I had 3 wasa, fiber crackers with joseph's peanut butter and natures hollow preserves on top on 1, hummus on top of another, and guda cheese and braunswieger and mustard an the 3rd, and a spinach salad w/bacon bits and feta cheese and creamy balsalmic (2 sugar) dressing.
dinner; I went to this restaurant called PapaChinos, the sign said grill and greens. I had salmon with a lemon, butter sauce and grilled veggies and a ceasar salad.

Well, thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

Risk and Bloom

Risk and Bloom Positive QuoteAnd the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday of week 46: The Belly Fat Cure

Hi Everyone,

I really think that on Monday I must of had a problem with my scale. Yesterday I was back down to 166 and today I am back at 165lbs. I also realized that I must be right and I need to have a couple of carbs a day. I need to only skip them on that day when I go to the movies so I can have popcorn. I think the carbs help keep me regular.

I had to go back to CarMax (where I got my car) today, because I realized that the rear middle brake light did not work. They said that I have 30 days to bring it back if I found any problems and they will fix it. So this morning I got up early, my appt. was 8:30. I packed some Truvia in my purse and made me a breakfast sandwich. I used 2 pieces of the Oasis, low carb sprouted flaxseed bread, pepper jack cheese, mustard, mayo, 1 egg and avocado. I ate it with some coffee and my truvia while I waited. Very Good!

It turned out that after I waited for an hour, they had to order the light. So I left and they said they would get it in a few days.

We really need to try to stay focused. Especially cause of the holidays. Try not to cheat. If you feel you can't resist, just take a  bite or 2 like I do. But make sure that you stop after that. I know its hard. But we can do it. Keep going People.

I know we might not reach the year end goals we set for ourselves.
Thats OK. We can just shoot for the end of January.

Don't GIVE UP!!

Thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

Miracles Are An Expression of Love

Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday of week 46: The Belly Fat Cure

Good Morning all,

I am down a bit back again this morning. Maybe it way just a fluke with my scale, or too much water. I think I have figured out something though. I think, for me, I really need to eat at least 2 carbs a day. Remember over the weekend on Saturday and Sunday I skipped my carbs because I was supposed to go to the movies? So I could eat popcorn? But I wound up going on Sunday instead of Saturday.

I think by skipping the carbs, it makes me eat larger portions. Maybe? Also I think by eating like that we will always feel like we are missing out. And that might make us cheat.

So thats why I think maybe I have been so successful on the Belly Fat Cure. Because I CAN have carbs and not feel deprived. Yeah, I can't have all the other stuff, but when I get to 150lbs, I might make that tiny exception once in a while.

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast; french toast made out of Oasis, sprouted flax seed bread - 2 pcs, Josephs sugar free syrup, 2 turkey bacon, coffee - blah, blah, blah
lunch; a pizza made with a SaraLee wheat pita, seeds of change romagna 2 cheese pasta sauce, cheese, turkey pepperoni, a spinach salad w/feta cheese, bacon bits, creamy balsalmic vinegarette dressing.
dinner; I went w/ a friend to the Philly cheese steak place and had the meat w/ the cheese by itself and had him make me a salad with lettuce and tomatoes and ranch. then when I got home 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate.

Thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends.
Please don't forget to support all of my BFC friends blogs below. Please leave your comments with your weigh-ins and any help you need so we can all help one another.

My thought for the day:

There is more to life than increasing its speed. 
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday starting week 46: The Belly Fat Cure

Good Morning All,

I can't believe that I have been doing the Belly Fat Cure for 45 weeks now, That's almost a year. I still tell everyone that I meet about the BFC and how I have lost over 70lbs so far. I get so excited to say that out loud. Hubby still gets annoyed when I keep talking to absolute strangers all the time about this.But oh well. I can't help myself.

I feel SO GREAT!!

So, this morning my weight has seemed to have gone back up to 167.5, that's 1.5lbs up this past week. I am not upset about it. I have realized that in this later part of my diet this happens all the time. It's only 1.5lbs. Now if it was 5lbs maybe I would get worried.

Saturday I skipped all my carbs because I thought we were going to the movies, but that didn't happen. So that evening I was soooo hungry we went out to dinner. We went to AppleBee's. Love that place. First of all we ate a little late for me, around 7:30. I ate the best dinner I have had in a long time. I had steak it had some small shrimps on top with Parmesan cheese melted on top with broccoli and squash and it came with mashed potatoes. All I have to say is OMG!!! I was so hungry and I ate it all except for the potatoes (I had 4 tiny bites) and hubby had the rest. I also had 2 glasses of Cabernet Savingnon red wine. I was so happy and full and a bit tipsy. I don't drink much on the BFC.

Yesterday I also skipped my carbs and we did go to the movies and I had popcorn. When we got home it was dark, and just starting to rain. I had some Shitataki noodles w/ seeds of change pasta sauce and some zuchinni, mushrooms, hot sauce and cheese on top. Then after I had 2 squares of chocolate Lindt 85%, and later I had some decaf chai tea.

Later in the evening it started to storm real bad with lightening and thunder. The next thing I know Mandy our black dog was pacing so scared and the little one, Peaches was up on the bed. It sounded like it was just a mile away, the lightening. Well anyway I didn't get much sleep the past 5 nights. Tue, Wed, thur, hubby worked in the evening and I couldn't sleep well with him gone. Sat, Sun he was here but recovering from a cold and coughing and snorting and moving so much - not much sleep. So I think maybe that's why I gained back some weight, not sleeping well.

So this morning I decided to make myself some french toast to celebrate. I used this new bread I found at Henry's market called Oasis, sprouted flax seed bread, it has only 8carbs, 2 fiber, and 1sugar per slice. And I used Joseph's sugar free syrup, (you know the one that makes my tummy gurgle) and 2 slices of turkey bacon. and coffee, blah, blah, blah.

Well that's all for now. Please let me and the rest of us know how and if we can help you. Leave your comments and we will do our best. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed, cause we are all the same here. We are all you friends.

Thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends.

My thought for the day:

Your Attitude is Your Choice

You always have a choice, even if it is only a choice of your attitude.
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Saturday of week 45: The Belly Fat Cure

Good Morning to all,

I am so grateful that I started this blog a long time ago. It keeps me sane sometimes on the Belly Fat Cure. I have found many friends that I can relate to. We all understand how we are all feeling. I am glad to have cyber met you all.

I have been sort of stuck for a while. It seems that I only go down maybe 1/2 lb a week or more. I realize that some is better than none, but I really, really wanted to get down to 150lbs. I seem to go up and down every day.  I am back up to 167 today. Big Whoop right? tomorrow I might be back to 165 again.

In some way - I really don't care anymore. I really love my size 10's now. No just kidding... I still care - I really want that 150.

I have been buying stuff from my Avon Lady, Paula for many, many years. Since I moved I haven't called her. I called her 2 weeks ago and ordered my moisturizers that I usually get. She came over to our new house yesterday to deliver them. I was standing outside to wave her over and she just kept going by. Then she saw me and came back. When she came in, she was so shocked at the way I look now. She said she didn't know it was me. The last time I saw her I only lost a little and now 72lbs. Well anyway I told her all about it.

Anyone and everyone, please post you comments or questions about the BFC. We would love to help you in anyway we can. We are all friends here and there is no need to feel bad or embarrassed. We all started out the same way.

Well thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

Believe that you have it, and you have it.
Keep on B|FC ' n  :-)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday of Week 45: The Belly Fat Cure

Hello everyone,
I wish everyone a wonderful Belly Good Day! :-)

Well like I said yesterday, up and down. Today I am back down to 166lbs. And I even ate a cookie yesterday. SHHH! It was one of those pumpkin, oatmeal, walnut cookies left over from thanksgiving. It was in a baggie on the counter and just calling to me... So I ate 3/4 of it.

It's so funny how now I feel like I am so cheating when I eat 3/4 of a cookie. When before I would have ate 4 of them - no problem. I am trying to learn that now, at this stage where I am at on this journey, that it's OK to eat that 1 cookie once in a while. I can never go back to what I ate before. I know that.

I have been real strict on myself thru this whole time. I felt that I had to do that and not cheat so I could really focus on my diet. I always ate what ever I wanted and when ever I wanted before. So sticking to it 100%, I felt was the only way I could make it.

I am very lucky and grateful that I did stick to it. I am so happy to be down 72lbs so far. I feel that I look great (except for my jiggly, fat thighs). I am working on them. That is really the only part I feel I have left. I never want to be real skinny. I guess I never was really. I have been using some cellulite cream on the thighs. Who knows - maybe it will help along with the 3 miles a day that I walk.

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast; a smart and delicious wheat tortilla w/cheese, 2 eggs, 8 blackberries, 2 strips of turkey bacon, coffee, blah, blah blah.
lunch; a orowheat wheat thin bun w/ braunswieger, pepper jack cheese, mustard, and a spinach salad w/bacon bits, feta cheese, and creamy balsamic vinigarette dressing. (and the 3/4 of the cookie)
dinner; a hamburger pattie cut up in a bowl w/ broccoli, cauliflower, some seeds of change pasta sauce, parmasean cheese and hot sauce. mixed altogether.

Thanks for listening. Lots of love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

It’s your life: Fill it up!

Life QuotesLife itself cannot give you joy, Unless you really will it; Life just gives your time and space, It is up to you to fill it.
Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday of week 45: The Belly Fat Cure

Hello everyone,
I love that we all support each other and that we can talk about anything we are feeling and never get judged. I really love that we feel like old friends and yet ave never met.

I know its not easy sometimes for all of us, but we just have to remember that we have each other and we can get thru it all.

@ minichick: Mimi's Cafe is really great, however - they have these great homemade muffins that they serve. URGH.... I can't have those anymore! But the food is all really good and kind of home made. You should try it.

Yesterday I ate:
breakfast; 2 strips of turkey bacon, a pizza made with a sara lee wheat pita, seeds of change pasta sauce, cheese, turkey pepperoni, coffee, blah, blah, blah.
lunch; a spinach salad with 1 small can of chicken, mayo, cheese, bacon bits, croutons, avocado. Then I had a little bit of popcorn that was left over from the day before.
dinner: broccoli and 8 pieces of buffalo wings, and 2 squares of Lindt 85% dark chocolate.

I really thought that this morning my weight would be back down to 165, but alas - it was back up to 167.  That just goes to show you that no matter how hard you try - up, down, up, down. Who knows, maybe tomorrow it will be back down to 165. Well here's to hoping.

Yesterday I went to my walk and then I dropped off he dogs at home and went around again like I usually do to make a total of 3+ miles. When I got back one of them threw up on the floor. Boy, that really stains the carpet. So I had to clean it. Then I got woken up at 5:45 am from the dogs again and one of them did it again in the upstairs room. You would think they could wake me up first. URGH! So I had to clean that off the carpet.

I told hubby that what ever he gave them a bite of yesterday made one of them sick and that he will probably get sick too. But he was fine.

Well anyways, I hope everyone has a great day! Try not to eat bad today!

Thanks for listening. Love to all of my BFC friends. Please leave your comments.

My thought for the day:

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. 

Keep on BFC ' n  :-)

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How to convert Sugar to Stevia

SugarLiquid SteviaStevia Extract PowderConcentrated Stevia
Clear Liquid
1 tsp2-3 dropsn/a4-6 drops
2 tsp4-6 dropsn/a8-12 drops
1 Tbsp6-9 dropsn/a1/8 tsp
1 cup1 tsp1/3 to 1/2 tsp1 Tbsp
2 cup2 tsp2/3 - 1 tsp2 Tbsp

Stevia Chart

Stevia Chart

Some tips if you are having trouble

  • First make sure that you are staying under the 15/6. 15 sugars and 6 servings of carbs for the whole day. Thats no more than 5 sugars and 2 servings of carbs per meal.
  • Track all of your sugar/carbs. Add everything from your meal together and count them that way.
  • Try to stop eating whole grain carbs after 3pm.
  • Make sure you drink lots of water.
  • Count everything that you put into your mouth. Even sauces - everything , check labels.
  • Make sure that you don't eat any artificial sugars. Check labels, if it says sugar free - look in the ingredients, look for....sucralose, aspartame, saccharine in the ingredients. Those are BAD!
  • Going #2 is a big problem when a lot of people start the BFC. I have solved that problem with Clear Benefiber in my morning coffee and a scoop of Super Seed w/water in the afternoon. (you can buy the super seed on Amazon.com it is the cheapest).
  • Choose your carbs wisely. Try to pick the carbs that will give you the lowest count of carbs, sugar and calories and the most fiber.

I hope this helps.
