
Monday, April 20, 2020

I'm Still Here

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to make a small post to let you know that i am still here.
I am still eating healthy. I am 61 now and I have been eating this way for over 10 years.
I learned so much over the years.

Right now I am working from home due to this Coronavirus thing. It has been over 4 weeks now and I have been to the store 3 times and I have stopped by the office 3 times for about 5 minutes. Other  than that  - just my daily walks with my Rat Patrol..
They really keep me company thru all this.

About 4-5 months ago Hubby got real into KETO. I always tried to get him to eat healthy with me and he would have NONE of IT! But all of a sudden he was like "you should eat this, this Blah Blah Blah guy says to do this and eat that...
And I was like... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I have been trying to get you to eat that way for 10 years!!
He was a little bit overboard with the KETO thing - but I did it with him for a while cause it was basically the same as I was eating - but without the carbs. He has calmed down now  a little but still does pretty good.
I pretty much eat the same way now that I have since I started this journey. Only now I am on Lockdown and can't go out to eat. LOL

OK well  Peace and Love and BE SAFE!!

Purple Rosy - OUT...


  1. So good to hear from you. You always were a great role model and inspiration to us all. I still want to lose about 20 lbs more, but I never gained any weight back and have kept the 35 I lost off. I do mostly keto, but I am not good with keeping track of my food. I love dairy, but try to avoid it and try to keep my carbs low. It's a lifestyle for me and I haven't had any gluten in 6 years. It's just easier to give it up all together. Will always be grateful for Jorge because his BFC plan got me started. I do fasting too. Mostly intermittent everyday eating in a 6-8 hr window. I have done some long fasts too, 4 days was the longest. I follow Dr. Jason Fung and he is big on fasting. I think it's good for the body to not have any food for a day or two. Take care and stay well.

  2. OMG! It is absolutely wonderful hearing from you! So glad that you and the Rat Patrol are doing well.

  3. I am so proud of you for sticking with what works for you! I am a food addict and as soon as I started being bad, I continued. I am not as heavy as I was when I started BFC, but with another month of quarantine I will be! We typically eat out 3 or 4 times a week and no leftovers. When I cook, I still cook for the family, so there is a LOT of leftovers. I am ready to quit cooking and be back in the restaurants where I belong. Our people miss us :)
